Monday, January 10, 2011

10-365 Desolate Restoration

10-365 Desolate Restoration
10-365 Desolate Restoration,
originally uploaded by TonyMaiello.
Taken at Cypress Point Park during my lunch hour. Today started very windy and rainy, and remained overcast for the rest of the day. I didnt think I would find anything to shoot and I was right until I approached this sign.

Fire Protection

Fire Protection
Fire Protection,
originally uploaded by TonyMaiello.
Freshly painted fire hydrant. The county came through last week to spruce 'em up!

8-365 - The Face of Nature?

8-365 - The Face of Nature?
8-365 - The Face of Nature?,
originally uploaded by TonyMaiello.
Sort of looks like those statues on Easter Island. Taken at Wilderness Park.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


originally uploaded by TonyMaiello.
Not much today. I took this of a few minutes wife's 3x per week shot.

5-365 - No Photo Day

5-365 - No Photo Day
5-365 - No Photo Day,
originally uploaded by TonyMaiello.
Didnt make it for day 5.

6-365 - Rubber Meets the Road

Ok, not really "road" more like access ramp. I came across this today while at an appointment. The blue and yellow contrast caught my eye...especially since this was about the only time the sun came out. Boosted the yellow saturation a bit.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

last minute carnations

last minute carnations
last minute carnations,
originally uploaded by TonyMaiello.
I took this shot in a last ditch effort to keep my 365 project going for a fourth consecutive day. It was very difficult for me to find time to shoot something and I was not in the most creative of moods.

This was ambient top light from the dining room light. I say this was last ditch because I really didn't have a lot of time to shoot and wanted to keep the streak alive!