Saturday, January 1, 2011

...another 365 blog - Day 1

I know what your thinking..."not another 365 blog?".  I can promise you this, this is not going to be just another 365 blog...this will be my 365 blog.

I know, your speechless....I was too when I first said it.

Anyway, the deal is I need something to push me to use my camera everyday and my hope is that this is that driver..  I expect that I will not post a great photo everyday...I expect that I will miss posting a day here or there.  I do not expect to miss taking a photo a day.  More after the jump....

Please join me on my journey, comment if you like but please make it related to critiquing the photo or the journey.  The only thing I ask is the comments be constructive.  

So here is my entry.  My daughter had riding lessons this morning.  I bring my camera to every session and from a creative standpoint I'm struggling to find new things to photograph.  My main problem is not seeing the forest because of all the trees in the way.  

Take this photo above as an example.  I've walked the stable grounds dozens of times over the last year and this sign was on the ground, in the same spot, for most if not all of these walks.  Yet today was the first time I even thought of composing a photo around it.  Again, not seeing or thinking outside the box.  

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